Thursday, July 23, 2009

"Mademoiselle Plauche" aka how to save a dying painting

Work in progress pics.

I'm gona put this way for a couple of days now, so i'll see the mistakes better...

And as far as saving a dying painting, my advice is to keep working on it, listen to your intuition, and if you are getting frustrated, just put it away for a couple of days.

So here ya go...Happy Painting

The Inspiration

The Process

The last photo's colours are a bit better, but my camera still does not pick up yellows and light greens very well, and made the skin look blue. Anyways trust me that it is closer to the skin tone, has a lot more gradations of colour. ...and in the painting you definitely see that she is smiling a little.

In this one for some reason the lighting was too harsh and the border was washed out. But the slight texture and the yellow undertones make it work well, in my opinion. I'm not sure if i should soften the edge though...hmmm

Uvidimsia skoro

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