I'm not sure how to start. So here it is....THE BOBBLE-HEAD FROGGIE SOAP DISPENSER
Today I went to Ross to look for some stuff for our apartment bathroom for next year, and in the back among all the outdated grandmaish towels, pretentious soap dishes, anti slip bathtub things (which are a hell to clean in my opinion) I found a bobble-head frog soap dispenser. It was absolutely adorable, and as I carried it to the register a couple of people admired it, and the cashier called her friend over to look. They must have had a boring day.
But I don't mean to write about my shopping experiences. Instead, I'd like to reflect on the tough times many people are going through right now, not just economically, but also motivationally, spiritually, and on the horrible feeling many of us have in the pit of our stomachs. In my short life, I've always heard and usually tried to follow "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade" (or my favourite "...squeeze them in its eyes"), but when your motivation dips, and sometimes it seems like your day is made up of nothing, then it gets a lot harder to hear that quote.
Even more, we get tired. Tired of constantly fighting through the stream, adjusting, readjusting, being flexible thinkers outside the box, concentrated, and sometimes happy at the drop of a hat. When your neighbor asks you "Hey Sue! How are you doing?" how many would actually take time to talk and ask in return. Most just brush it off with a "Fine. And you?" And sometimes it might be that the neighbor is pestery, and that your day was satisfactory, but on the off days, we want nothing more but to climb in bed and tune everything out. We're not bad people for it, it is just hard to relate to others, when sometimes we can't relate to ourselves.
Sometimes it seems like there are not enough big things to be happy about in our lives, but usually there are some little things. A little thing here, a little thing there, and somehow that brings you to another day. Your daughters painting, or a cup of tea, or, perhaps, just 10 minutes of quietly reading a magazine in the bathroom, maybe a friend from a while back just popping in to say hi. These things add up.
Same goes for the soap dispenser. Its just a little something to brighten up your day. I am not saying that you should turn your outlook on life around, or keep a small notebook in which you write down small things that are cool (doesn't sound like a bad idea though), but try to notice those things. They do make life just a wee bit sunnier.
Also most of us have a person who is our "soap dispenser". When we come in with banged up knees, or back from a bad experience, a failed job interview, or a speeding ticket, he/she/they are there to listen and give us some "soap" to wash those thoughts away (not to be confused with brain-washing ^_^ ). Sometimes its easy to overlook them and be angry at the world. But don't, they care deeply for you, and those family members, church members, boyfriends, girlfriends, friends, or a stranger on the bus who's willing to listen help you stay sane and see some of the light that is around you.
And when you'll shake yourself off from that gutwretching feeling, you'll notice that the light is coming from inside of you.
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