Saturday, August 8, 2009

Cupcake - Progress

So this is my second cupcake.

I always have difficulty staying in the same style based on the subject. Honestly, the color scheme was a bit hard for me, because it was hard not to muddy up the colors in such a small space. Also I had an accident...(can I hear someone say OH OH..yep) a big red blob fell off my brush onto the paper, and I could not clean it up, so I had to improvise and hide it under a leaf. Since the colors were so close to each other value wise and I could not deepen them and still preserve the airy feeling, I decided to use a pen sparingly.

I really hope you and my friend Leslie (who commissioned) will like the final result.

So welcome, the new addition, "The Fall Cupcake"

After this photo the "Oh Uh" happened, so the leaf appeared

My camera does not capture the colors that well, so as soon as I will get a better image I will post it. The colors are beautiful and fresh, like the first days of fall and remind me of sherbert HAHA. Enjoy

Uvidimisa skoro

Jessica finished version

This is "Jessie" the finished version. Its an 8 x 8" acrylic on canvas board. Took about 15+ hours.

I have also received a commission to do a family portrait for the whole family, so watch for the progress photos in the coming months.

Uvidimsia skoro

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A memory of the sky

So my boyfriend and I were walking out of Starbucks (which due to the crappy economy closes at 9 on Sundays now), and the sky was gorgeous...

Smog stained pink clouds at the bottom, turquoise blue at the western side contrasted with dark navy was breathtaking, and I stood there for a couple of minutes trying to remember the feeling and the colors.

And here's the result...

Of course the camera screwed the colors shmorgusboard. You don't see the slight hue changes, and the deep navys, and the halo around the moon.

8 x 20" two gallery wrapped canvases.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Gimp fun, or repurposing photos


I was a bit bored, and looking for a new photo on facebook, and decided to reconfigure this from advertising Rainbow Vaccums to my selfish purposes. It was a messy easy Gimp 2 job on my laptop, so don't judge :)

Uvidimsia Skoro

Thursday, July 23, 2009

"Mademoiselle Plauche" aka how to save a dying painting

Work in progress pics.

I'm gona put this way for a couple of days now, so i'll see the mistakes better...

And as far as saving a dying painting, my advice is to keep working on it, listen to your intuition, and if you are getting frustrated, just put it away for a couple of days.

So here ya go...Happy Painting

The Inspiration

The Process

The last photo's colours are a bit better, but my camera still does not pick up yellows and light greens very well, and made the skin look blue. Anyways trust me that it is closer to the skin tone, has a lot more gradations of colour. ...and in the painting you definitely see that she is smiling a little.

In this one for some reason the lighting was too harsh and the border was washed out. But the slight texture and the yellow undertones make it work well, in my opinion. I'm not sure if i should soften the edge though...hmmm

Uvidimsia skoro

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Marie Antoinette Bodoir

I can finally put the Marie Antoinette Boudoir painting up ^_^

But first the small tutorial on how to make a matlike border without a mat cutter.

You'll need...
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Matboard of desired size
  • Exacto or carpet knife
  • Trim
  • And of course the art piece
Step 1.
Put the piece on the matboard and measure of what size border you would life. Cut the matboard to the desired size, using a ruler and the carper/exacto kife (do not use scissors as the matboard is too thick and you will end up with bent and unevent edges)

Step 2.
Center the art piece on the matboard and use the tip of the knife to punch down holes about quarter to half an inch from each corner of the art.

Step 3.
Connect the dots. Connect two holes of each corner with each other. You will end up with something resembling the old fashioned photo corners.

Step 4.
Tuck the corners of art into the previously mentioned corners. You might need to make them bigger, or use your nails or the ruler to help push them in

Step 5.
Cut the trim to the desired size

Step 6.
Tuck the trim into the corners on the edges of the painting

Step 7.

Here is a detailed shot of my favourite part
and here is a photo of a happy customer ^_^

Hope you enjoyed it.

Uvidimsia skoro

Recent Etsy favourites

I've finally got around to featuring some of my recent favourites at Etsy. Many of these are interesting finds, and most are reasonable price wise and would make unique gifts.

Etsy: Your place to buy & sell all things handmade